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Episode 287: Meet the Winner of the 2023 Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research with Dr. Ruth Ann Marrie

Last week in San Diego, the Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis convened their annual meeting, the ACTRIMS Forum. One of the highlights of this meeting is the presentation of the Barancik Prize, awarded in recognition of exceptional innovation in MS research.

This year's winner of the Barancik Prize is Dr. Ruth Ann Marrie, a clinician scientist at the University of Manitoba. The Barancik Prize is administered by the National MS Society, and this year's award recognizes Dr. Marrie's landmark discoveries that deepen our understanding of how and when MS evolves.

During the ACTRIMS Forum, Dr. Marrie joined me to discuss her groundbreaking research and the impact it's had on MS care.

If you're a regular listener, you've probably heard me say that the things that people affected by MS want most — access to quality healthcare, affordable prescription medications, and funding for MS research are, to a large extent, all functions of public policy. The people who decide whether we get these things are our elected officials at the state and federal level.  That's why advocacy is a high priority for people affected by MS.

The National MS Society's Public Policy Conference takes place next week, March 6-8, in Washington, D.C. Joining me to discuss how advocacy makes a real difference in influencing pending legislation, while giving us a preview of what we can expect to see and hear at this year's conference, is the National MS Society's Executive Vice-President for Advocacy and Healthcare Access, Bari Talente.

We have a lot to talk about! Are you ready for RealTalk MS??!

This Week: We're back from the ACTRIMS Forum and a conversation with this year's winner of the Barancik Prize for innovation in MS research  :22

Dr. Ruth Ann Marrie discusses some of her groundbreaking research and its impact on MS care  1:57

We are one week away from the National MS Society's Public Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.  17:18

Bari Talente, the National MS Society's Executive Vice-President of Advocacy and Healthcare Access, discusses the importance of advocacy, while sharing a preview of the legislative issues that MS activists will be advocating for next week on Capitol Hill    18:18

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RealTalk MS Episode 287
Guests: Dr. Ruth Ann Marrie and Bari Talente

Tags: MS, MultipleSclerosis, MSResearch, MSSociety, RealTalkMS

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