National MS Society survey measured the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people living with MS 1:54
Clinical trial data shows ofatumumab outperforms Aubagio 4:08
Research shows that exercise preserves key areas of the brain among people with MS 6:53
Research team is first to report the incidence of MS in China 10:00
My Interview with Dr. John Ciotti 12:55
Share this episode 28:25
Please leave a rating & review 28:48
DUNK MS is happening Saturday! 29:01
Please Support the National MS Society COVID-19 Response Fund 29:40
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National MS Society's Ask An MS Expert Video Replay
What You Need to Know About Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Effects of MS Disease-Modifying Therapies On Responses to Vaccinations: A Review
STUDY: Ofatumumab vs Teriflunomide in Multiple Sclerosis
National MS Society Recommendations for Exercise & Physical Activity For ALL People with MS
VIDEO: Aerobic Exercise Tips for MS
VIDEO: Breathing Exercise Tips for MS
STUDY: Incidence of Multiple Sclerosis in China: A Nationwide Hospital-Based Study
National MS Society COVID-19 Response Fund
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RealTalk MS Episode 154
Hosted By: Jon Strum
Guests: Dr. John Ciotti
Tags: MS, MultipleSclerosis, MSResearch, MSSociety, Vaccinations, COVID-19, RealTalkMS