Study shows an over-the-counter simple sugar promotes myelin repair in the mouse model of MS 1:31
Researchers design a new MS therapy that reduces MS symptoms and even prevents MS from developing in the mouse model of MS 3:15
Mayzent approved for treating active secondary progressive MS in England, Wales, and Scotland 5:28
Register to participate in future research at the University of Washington MS Rehabilitation & Wellness Center 6:38
Online survey for parents of a child living with pediatric MS 8:02
My Interview with pediatric MS patient Hannah Schnitzler and her mom 9:22
My Interview with pediatric MS expert Dr. Brenda Banwell 21:57
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Donate to the National MS Society COVID-19 Response Fund 42:21
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RealTalk MS Episode 164
Guests: Hannah Schnitzler, Melissa Fisher & Dr. Brenda Banwell
Tags: MS, MultipleSclerosis, MSResearch, MSSociety, MSActivist, PediatricMS, RealTalkMS