Have you checked out MSTranslate? 1:03
Healthcare is on the ballot! Have you voted yet??? 3:42
MSIF issues updated COVID-19 guidance for people living with MS 9:38
Researchers discover 2 gene variants that may help explain why African-Americans with MS often have a more severe disease course than Caucasians with MS 10:58
A study shows that Hispanics with MS are at a higher risk of developing more aggressive forms of MS at an earlier age. 12:44
My Interview with MS researcher Dr. Sandi Cassard and Diane Kramer 14:57
My Interview with Nightingale Award recipient and founder of MS Bright Spots of Hope Michelle Keating 24:08
Share this episode 35:52
Donate to the National MS Society COVID-19 Response Fund 36:12
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What You Need to Know About Coronavirus (COVID-19)
MSIF Global COVID-19 Advisory for People with MS
UCSF Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Project
STUDY: Brain MRI Finds Hispanic Patients Develop More Aggressive MS
National MS Society COVID-19 Response Fund
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RealTalk MS Episode 165
Guests: Dr. Sandi Cassard, Diane Kramer, and Michelle Keating
Tags: MS, MultipleSclerosis, MSResearch, MSSociety, MSActivist, MSIF, MSInternationalFederation, COVID-19, RealTalkMS