We have a lot to talk about! Are you ready for RealTalk MS??!
Being thankful in 2020 :22
Myelin-producing cells created in a lab dish in 3 weeks 5:43
UW Rehabilitation Medicine surveyed people living with MS on their feelings of distress & risk perception in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic 6:57
Measuring MS progression by typing on your smartphone 9:06
Study shows neurofilament light chain level at the first MS episode predicts future brain atrophy 10:43
My interview with Brett Drummond 14:54
Share this episode 37:13
Donate to the National MS Society COVID-19 Response Fund 37:34
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National MS Society's Ask An MS Expert Video Replay
What You Need to Know About Coronavirus (COVID-19)
National MS Society COVID-19 Response Fund
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RealTalk MS Episode 169
Guests: Brett Drummond
Tags: MS, MultipleSclerosis, MSResearch, MSSociety, MSActivist, MSTranslate, RealTalkMS