MS-related pain is one of those invisible symptoms that can have a profound impact on your quality of life. So we're devoting this entire episode of RealTalk MS to taking a deep dive into assessing and managing MS-related pain with my guests, Dr. Dawn M. Ehde and Dr. Heidi Maloni. Both of my guests are experts at assessing, treating, and managing MS-related pain, but each approaches pain from a slightly different perspective.

Dr. Ehde is a clinical psychologist and professor of rehabilitation medicine at the University of Washington, where she has an endowed professorship in Multiple Sclerosis Research. Dr. Ehde and her group at UW have published the results of several studies on MS-related pain in peer-reviewed medical journals.
Dr. Heidi Maloni is a nurse practitioner and the National Clinical Nursing Director for the Multiple Sclerosis Center of Excellence East at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Dr. Maloni heads up research programs to further the understanding of MS and its impact on Veterans while also aiding in the development of treatments to manage the disease and its symptoms.
We have a lot to talk about! Are you ready for RealTalk MS??!
The different ways you might experience MS-Related Pain :23
My interview with Dr. Dawn Ehde & Dr. Heidi Maloni 3:41
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Donate to the National MS Society COVID-19 Response Fund 27:27
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RealTalk MS Episode 170
Guests: Dr. Dawn Ehde and Dr. Heidi Maloni
Tags: MS, MultipleSclerosis, MSResearch, MSSociety, MSActivist, RealTalkMS