But what about people who are living with MS? What are their thoughts about being one in a million? We're also talking with MS Activists Tami Ryan, Karen Jackson, and Dan & Jennifer Diggman.
It's MS Awareness Week :22
My Interview with National MS Society CEO, Cyndi Zagieboylo 3:40
My Interview with National MS Society Executive Vice-President of Research, Dr. Bruce Bebo 12:32
My Interview with MS Prevalence Study Investigator, Dr. Ruth Ann Marrie 24:18
Comments about the MS Prevalence Study from MS Activists Tami Ryan, Karen Jackson, and Dan & Jennifer Digmann 34:34
Join the RealTalk MS Conversation 38:13
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The Prevalence of MS in the United States: A Population-Based Estimate Using Health Claims Data
A New Way to Estimate Neurologic Disease Prevalence in the United States Illustrated with MS
Validation for an Algorithm For Identifying MS Cases in Administrative Health Claims Datasets
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RealTalk MS Episode 81
Hosted By: Jon Strum
Guests: Cyndi Zagieboylo, Dr. Bruce Bebo, Dr. Ruth Ann Marrie, Tami Ryan, Lisa Jackson, Dan & Jennifer Digmann
Tags: MS, MultipleSclerosis, MSResearch, mssociety, MSActivist, TwiceAsMany, MSPrevalence, RealTalkMS