RealTalk MS Episode 11: News Roundup

November 28, 2017
Whether it's research, news, or even pending legislation, there's a lot happening around the world that's going to impact families living with MS. In this week's podcast, we'll round up some of that news and bring you up to speed on some of the things that you ought to know about.

We're talking about how the pending income tax legislation can be financially devastating to families living with MS – and we'll explain what you can do about it right now. We'll look at a new clinical trial testing a cannabis-based medicine designed to treat MS symptoms. We'll talk about the construction of what's being billed as, “the world's leading treatment and research center for multiple sclerosis.” We'll give you one more very good reason why people diagnosed with MS should not be smoking. And we'll break down how, when, and by how much, multiple sclerosis impacts a woman's pregnancy.

We've got the news, views, interviews & breakthroughs that are important to you. So…are you ready for RealTalk MS?